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  • The KAZU TIME Show- 2011 Romance of the Lantern Festival: 山鹿灯籠浪漫・百華百彩

The KAZU TIME Show- 2011 Romance of the Lantern Festival: 山鹿灯籠浪漫・百華百彩

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The KAZU TIME Show -HOPE-平成23年度山鹿灯籠浪漫・百華百彩開会式2011 Romance of the Lantern Festival Opening Ceremony山鹿温泉の町・熊本県山鹿市豊前街道: Yamaga City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan (Hot Springs Resort Town)平成23年2月4日: February 4th, 2011http://www.yamaga100.com/平成23年度山鹿灯籠浪漫・百華百彩は3月12日の九州新幹線全線開業に合わせて2月4日(金)から3月26日(土)まで毎週金・土曜日の夕方6時頃から10時頃まで開催されています。金・土曜日に来られない方の為に、3月14日(月)から17日(木)まで一部点灯します。2010 Romance of the Lantern Festival is held every Friday and Saturday started from about 6 to 10pm from February 4th to March 26th to celebrate opening of the Kyūshū Shinkansen, a high-speed railway line between the Japanese cities of Fukuoka and Kagoshima, on Kyūshū Island on March 12th, 2011. For the people who can't come and visit on Fridays and Saturdays, there are also partly light ups from Monday, March 14th to Thursday, March 17th.九州6県で取り組む「冬の九州・灯りの祭典」の一環として開催される百華百彩は、今年で9回目です。幻想的な雰囲気に心打たれ、誰もがタイムスリップしてしまったかのような気持ちにさせられる、そんなレトロな街並みが体験できます。夕方6時頃からオブジェに灯りを点すと、ほのかなロウソクの灯りがゆらりゆらりと、あたたかい山鹿を演出します。優しい灯りに引き寄せられると、そこは八千代座。午後8時30分からは、山鹿太鼓と山鹿灯籠踊りの共演が始まります。幻想的な雰囲気の中での勇壮な太鼓と優美な灯籠踊りです。This 9th Annual Romance of the Lantern Festival is one of the Japanese Winter Lantern Festivals at 6 Prefectures on Kyūshū Island. An event that lights up the Yamaga winter. A variety of sculptures and figures made of bamboo and Japanese umbrellas are erected and illuminated along the streets of the city, creating a beautiful, dream-like world. At the Yachiyo-za Theater, a recap of the "Taste of Yamaga Story" with paper-lantern dancing and drum performances is held from 8:30pm. We live on this beautiful planet, Mother Earth, breathe the same air, and drink the same water. We are all brothers and sisters and members of the human family.Life is a precious gift to enjoy, celebrate, and appreciate! Life is a choice, and we need to choose to be happy! We make things happen by wishing them! Ask, Believe, then Receive! Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated! Thank you!I appreciate the people who can respect our differences and can treat others with respect, gratitude, good manner and positive attitude! Thank you for reading this note, and thank you for choosing to watch my video! Have a wonderful day to you all!Contact: TheKAZUTIMEshow@gmail.com© The KAZU TIME Show (Kazu).


The KAZU TIME Show- 2011 Romance of the Lantern Festival: 山鹿灯籠浪漫・百華百彩の関連動画
