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  • The KAZU TIME Show -BELIEVE- "Ōmiya Shrine & Kitaoka Shrine: 大宮神社と北岡神社!"

The KAZU TIME Show -BELIEVE- "Ōmiya Shrine & Kitaoka Shrine: 大宮神社と北岡神社!"

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The KAZU TIME Show -BELIEVE-Episode 8: "Ōmiya Shrine & Kitaoka Shrine: 大宮神社と北岡神社!"Kumamoto, JapanMay 16th, 2010Kumamoto Prefecture (熊本県, Kumamoto-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on Kyūshū Island. The capital is the city of Kumamoto.「定食・茶そば 花さと」(温泉プラザ山鹿ビル1F) 山鹿の新名物「季節野菜のうまカレー」と「焼うまカレー」はとっても美味しかったです。大宮神社山鹿の里の産土大神 山鹿燈籠起源の御社http://www.geocities.jp/oomiya_j/北岡神社熊本市花岡山の麓、JR熊本駅近くに鎮座する由緒ある北岡神社http://www.kitaoka-jinja.or.jp/ 熊本県(くまもとけん)は、日本の九州地方の中央に位置する都道府県のひとつ。人口約181万人、面積約7,400km² 、有明海、不知火海、東シナ海に面している。県庁所在地は熊本市。全国有数の農業県であり、また車エビなどの養殖業が盛ん。世界最大級のカルデラを持つ阿蘇山が知られる。方言は熊本弁が話される。We live on this beautiful planet, Mother Earth, breathe the same air, and drink the same water. We are all brothers and sisters and members of the human family.Life is a precious gift to enjoy, celebrate, and appreciate! Life is a choice, and we need to choose to be happy! We make things happen by wishing them! Ask, Believe, then Receive! Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated! Thank you!I appreciate the people who can respect our differences and can treat others with respect, gratitude, good manner and positive attitude! Thank you for reading this note, and thank you for choosing to see my pictures and to watch my videos! Have a wonderful day to you all!Contact: TheKAZUTIMEshow@gmail.com© The KAZU TIME Show (Kazu).


The KAZU TIME Show -BELIEVE- "Ōmiya Shrine & Kitaoka Shrine: 大宮神社と北岡神社!"の関連動画
