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  • 文化大观园: 端州石砚 (第二部) Duanzhou China Ink Stone (Part Two)

文化大观园: 端州石砚 (第二部) Duanzhou China Ink Stone (Part Two)

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Copyrights of this video belong to the People's Republic of China, the province of Guangdong, the municipality of Zhaoqing, the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau.Zhaoqing (肇庆) is a prefecture-level city located in the west-central region of Guangdong Province, at the middle and lower reaches of Xijiang River. Adjacent to the Pearl River Delta, the city borders Guangxi Province in the northwest and Foshan City in the southeast. It lies about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from Guangzhou.In the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC), this area belonged partly to the Nanhai Shire. In the Sui Dynasty (581-618), it was called Duanzhou and changed into its present name, Zhaoqing, in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).Zhaoqing has jurisdiction over 2 districts, 4 counties and 2 county-level cities:Deqing County (德庆县)Dinghu District (鼎湖区)Duanzhou District (端州区)Fengkai County (封开县)Gaoyao City (高要市)Guangning County (广宁县)Huaiji County (怀集县)Sihui City (四会市)The city enjoys a subtropical monsoon climate with an annual average temperature of 22.1C. Zhaoqing is an all-year-round tourist destination without summer heat and winter chilliness.Scenic Spots:Xinghu Lake (Star Lake) Scenic Area: This scenic area consists of Qixingyan (Seven Star Crags) and Dinghu Mountain scenic spots. It is the most famous tourist zone in Guangdong Province. The Xiannv Lake (Fairy Lake), Butterfly Valley and Qingyun Temple are the highlights of the scenic area. It provides the most beautiful lake, mountain and forest landscape of the city.Ancient City Wall: This is a part of the city wall from the Song Dynasty and is well preserved. Today, it is the symbol of Zhaoping City as a famous historical and cultural city.Other Scenic Spots: Panlong Gorge Touring Region in Deqing County, Longshan in Fengkai County, Yanyan Crag (Swallow Crag) in Huaiji County, Bamboo Forest in Guangning County.Folk custom: The Lion Dance and the Dragon DanceFestivals: Dragon Boat RaceSpecial Local Products: Handicrafts: Duanxi Inkstone, Nine Dragons Treasure Tripod, jade articlesFoods: Zhaoqing Gorgon Fruit, oranges, Ba Ji (Morinda Root)中文名称: 肇庆行政区类别: 市所属地区: 广东省下辖地区: 广宁、怀集、封开、德庆电话区号: 0758邮政区码: 526060地理位置: 广东省中西部面积: 1.5万平方公里人口: 405万人方言: 粤语气候条件: 亚热带季风肇庆市位于中国广东省,属珠江三角洲,西靠桂东南,珠江主干流西江穿境而过,北回归线横贯其中。背枕北岭,面临西江,上控苍梧,下制南海,为粤西咽喉之地。东南部端州区、鼎湖区、高要市、四会市和肇庆高新技术产业开发区列入珠江三角洲,西北部广宁、德庆、封开、怀集四县属山区。肇庆市是中国第三批国家级历史文化名城,已有2200多年的历史,被誉为岭南文化的发祥地。梅庵、德庆学宫、肇庆古城墙、七星岩摩崖石刻、德庆悦城龙母祖庙是国家级重点文物保护单位。星湖风景名胜区是国家级重点、国家AAAA级景区。全市有地方特色的代表性旅游资源单体95个,其中属自然旅游资源的58个,占总数的61%。肇庆市旅游资源品质高、类型多。以鼎湖山(风景区)、七星岩、大斑石(封开县)为代表的山岳与地质景观资源;以星湖、西江、贺江为代表的水景观资源;以鼎湖山(自然保护区)、黑石顶(封开县)为代表的生态资源;以古城墙、阅江楼、端砚为代表的历史文化资源;以德庆龙母祖庙、梅庵为代表的宗教与民俗资源;以肇庆高尔夫度假村、广新农业生态园为代表的休闲度假资源等构成肇庆丰富的旅游资源。其自然与人文相结合的特点,使肇庆的旅游资源在全省具有明显的优势。经挖掘和整合,全市已形成以七星岩和鼎湖山为中心,连接四会贞山、广宁竹海大观、怀集燕岩和世外桃源、封开龙山和天下第一石、鼎湖葫芦山和九龙湖、德庆盘龙峡和龙母祖庙、高要广新生态园的"肇庆千里旅游走廊",促进了全市旅游的发展。端砚:端砚与湖笔、宣纸、徽墨并称"文房四宝"。其石质纯净细嫩,蘸墨笔锋经久不退,被历代列为贡品。特色餐饮:肇庆的餐饮主要的地方特色有:西江河鲜、广宁笋宴、高要市大湾镇麦溪鲤(鲩)、文鲤、鼎湖上素、肇庆裹蒸、 封开杏花鸡、四会仙螺、四会茶油鸡、德庆竹篙粉等。肇庆裹蒸:肇庆裹蒸,是粽子的一种,用糯米、绿豆、肥猪肉,再加入适量的精盐、曲酒、花生油、白芝麻、五香粉等配料精工制作而成。


文化大观园: 端州石砚 (第二部) Duanzhou China Ink Stone (Part Two)の関連動画
