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  • 天下四川 熊猫故乡 中文繁体版 Sichuan China Home of Pandas

天下四川 熊猫故乡 中文繁体版 Sichuan China Home of Pandas

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Copyrights of this video belong to the People's Republic of China, the province of Sichuan, the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Administration.Sichuan (四川), located in southwest China, is one of the largest and most beautiful provinces in the nation. This province covers an area of 485,000 kilometers (187,000 miles) and boasts the largest population in China, with 87 million people.Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan and is the cultural and industrial center for the agricultural Chengdu Plain. Chengdu was one of the first centers of printing in China and has been famous for its luxurious satins, brocades, and lacquer ware since the 13th century.Sichuan is known as the 'Land of Abundance' and has three places on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List: Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area, Huang Long Valley (Yellow Dragon Valley) and Mount Emeishan including Leshan Giant Buddha. Visitors to this province can experience a wide variety of beautiful landscapes including plateaus, mountains, ravines, basins, hills, plains, rivers, lakes, hot springs, waterfalls and limestone caves. In addition, tourists can visit important historic relics and taste the delicious spicy Sichuan Cuisine.Chengdu is also home to the Chengdu Giant Panda Research Base, one of the most important centers in the world for the captive conservation of the Giant Panda. The Research Centre has evolved into China Panda City. Panda City encompasses a museum, as well as the Chengdu Zoo.Sichuan consists of eighteen prefecture-level cities and three autonomous prefectures:1 Garzê (Tibetan) 甘孜藏族自治州2 Ngawa (Tibetan & Qiang) 阿坝藏族羌族自治州3 Mianyang 绵阳市4 Guangyuan 广元市5 Nanchong 南充市6 Bazhong 巴中市7 Dazhou 达州市8 Ya'an 雅安市9 Chengdu 成都市10 Deyang 德阳市11 Suining 遂宁市12 Guang'an 广安市13 Meishan 眉山市14 Ziyang 资阳市 Zīyáng Shì15 Leshan 乐山市 Lèshān Shì16 Neijiang 内江市17 Zigong 自贡市18 Yibin 宜宾市19 Luzhou 泸州市20 Liangshan (Yi) 凉山彝族自治州21 Panzhihua 攀枝花市四川省简称川或蜀。位于我国西南地区、长江上游,在东经97°21′ ~108°31′,北纬26°03′~34°19′之间,以益利梓夔四路得名,全省总面积是48.5万多平方公里。属中国西南内陆,西有青藏高原相扼,东有三峡险峰重叠,北有巴山秦岭屏障,南有云贵高原拱卫,形成了闻名于世的四川盆地,地大物博,历史悠久,自古以来就享有"天府之国"的美誉。中文名称: 四川外文名称: Sichuan别名: 天府之国行政区类别: 省所属地区: 中国西南下辖地区: 成都,绵阳,南充政府驻地: 成都市锦江区督院街30号电话区号: 028邮政区码: 610000地理位置: 中国西南地区,长江上游面积: 48.5万多平方公里人口: 8860万人(2009年)方言: 四川话气候条件: 季风气候明显,雨热同季著名景点: 九寨沟黄龙,都江堰—青城山,卧龙大熊猫自然保护区机场: 成都双流国际机场火车站: 成都站车牌代码: 川省鸟: 红腹锦鸡特色动物: 大熊猫省委书记: 刘奇葆省长: 蒋巨峰四川历史悠久,至今已有4500余年文明史,号称"天府之国"。现有国家历史文化名城成都、自贡、乐山、宜宾、泸州、阆中、都江堰等7座城市,数量仅次于江苏省、河南省;全国重点文物保护单位40处,省级历史文化名城(镇)24座。从古代水利工程、古镇民居到名人故居,从寺庙道观、石刻壁画到现代艺术博物馆,从史前遗址到现代建设风貌,应有尽有。四川是我国拥有世界自然文化遗产和国家重点风景名胜区最多的省区,九寨沟、黄龙、乐山大佛、峨嵋山、都江堰、青城山、卧龙、四姑娘山等被联合国教科文组织纳入《世界自然文化遗产名录》和 "人与生物圈"保护网络,都江堰--青城山、剑门蜀道、贡嘎山、蜀南竹海、四姑娘山、西岭雪山等9处为国家重点风景名胜区。另外,四川还有国家森林公园11处、自然保护区40处、省级风景名胜区44处,从高原、山地、峡谷到盆地、丘陵、平原,从江河湖泊到温泉瀑布,从岩溶地区到丹霞地貌,一应俱全,素有"风景省"的美称。尤其是我国三大林区、五大牧场之一的川西横断山区,雪峰卓立,林海苍茫,金沙江、雅砻江、大渡河、岷江汹涌澎湃,奔流其间,形成了许多神秘、险峻的旷世奇观,吸引了无数中外游客。


天下四川 熊猫故乡 中文繁体版 Sichuan China Home of Pandasの関連動画
